Magento Tutorials

How to Add Product Tags in Magento

Magento Product Tags

In Magento, product tags is used to add more information to a product and to make it more easy for customers to navigate between products under the same genre or characteristics (those having the same tags).

magento product tags

Product tags can be added from Magento backend (for admin) or frontend (registered customer).

Add tags to product in Magento

Magento 2 Product Tags

Product Tag is a feature that was missing from the Magento 2 eCommerce platform. It’s now been developed by BSS Commerce to help brands organize their products more efficiently and help customers find related items.

From frontend

For registered customers, there is a field named “Add Your Tags” in frontend where they can add tags to a product. The tags will be submitted with Pending status and waiting to be reviewed by store owner.

magento frontend tags

From backend

To manage tags and/or add new tags from backend, go to Catalog > Tags > All Tags to view all product tags in your store. Product tags can have status of Pending, Approved or Disabled.

magento manage tags

To add a new product tag, click Add New Tag button.

To manage the tags which was added from frontend, go to Catalog > Tags > Pending Tags. From here, you can click on each tag to view its detail, and choose to approve it or not. Approved tags will appear on product details page immediately.


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