Magento Tutorials

How to solve Magento Cron Job not working 2024

If for some reasons the Magento cron not working in your Magento store, you can follow the following steps to resolve that issue.

Step 1: From your Magento backend, go to System > Configuration. On the left menu, under Advanced section, click System. Expand the section Cron (Scheduled Tasks) – all the times are in minutes, then set the values as the ones below:

(Magento 2: go to Stores > Settings-Configuration. On the left menu, under Advanced section, click System. Expand the section Cron (Scheduled Tasks))

  • Generate Schedules Every: 15
  • Schedule Ahead for: 20
  • Missed if Not Run Within: 15
  • History Cleanup Every: 10
  • Success History Lifetime: 60
  • Failure History Lifetime: 600

Step 2: Clear Cache in System > Cache Management.

Step 3: Clear ‘cron_schedule’ table. You can do it via phpmyadmin or execute the below command in SQL console:

TRUNCATE TABLE cron_schedule;

Step 4: Add next line to cron settings (use absolute paths):

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/sites/p/domain/public_html/cron.php

Step 5: Restart cron daemon.

Step 6: Check table ‘cron_schedule’, if it’s not empty – Magento cron script start working.

See also:
Magento Catalog Search Not Working Properly
Catalog Price Rules not working in Magento 2


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