Mobile Apps

5 Things You Didn’t Know about the Benefits of Mobile Apps

Being an indispensable part of our everyday life, mobile apps are undeniably useful. But are you utilizing mobile apps to the fullest, or are you missing out on some vital benefits of it?

Well, you’re at the right place. This article should provide you with ample insights about the current benefits of mobile apps for your everyday use.

What is a mobile app?

A mobile app, often developed by a programmer or an app developer, is a type of application software programmed specifically and exclusively for operating on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. 

The plethora of mobile apps that we have today are varied in terms of category, functions as well as size. Within a quick browse through your phone’s app marketplace, you could easily see that there’s apps that shouldn’t even be possible years ago, such as this one:

anti-rat app

Surely, you’d expect your phone to be capable of the typical functions of a phone; but not everyone in the past foresighted that, in the future, your smartphones could repel rats, cockroaches and the like. What an age we’re living in, right?

Five benefits of mobile apps that you might not know

1. Build customer relationships

How can a mobile app build customer relationships? With a mobile app installed on your customer’s device, you can potentially expose your customers to more information beneficial to them and in turns, build up your app’s credibility as the user becomes more engaged with your apps.

build customer relationship

Every time they get access to your app, they can update the latest information about your products and your business activities, which makes your business appeal more trustworthy.

Furthermore, by offering discounts and coupons via mobile apps, you are encouraging your customers to return to make more purchases with your business in exchange for a reduction in prices.

2. Tailored experience

It’s been suggested that, when it comes to Generation Z, personal experiences are no longer a nice-to-have luxury but a must-have necessity since the users from Generation Z are used to the tailored shopping experiences from those of top brands. 

By utilizing features typical to that of a smartphone, your app can become more adaptive to the user’s behavior and, with the help of a few of the current popular best practices in the A.I field, you could see your business tripling in revenue by making your user experience as tailored to the user’s needs as possible. 

3. More exposure

One of the more prominent benefits of mobile apps is that it allows consumers to make a purchase even when they are on the go. This is a typical characteristic of the mCommerce sphere and its main selling point, as this essentially means that your business can reach anyone everywhere as long as they use a mobile device. 

Via mobile apps, you may send push notifications to your customers and provide extra functions such as GPS capabilities, QR codes, podcasts, …Your customers will always notice your messages and you don’t have to worry about your messages’ getting stuck in their spam box.

4. More social media initiatives to take

social media initiatives

There’s a whole new field of App Marketing that specializes in taking advantage of mobile apps to drive more engagements, conversions and revenue for your business. Mobile App Marketing puts great stress on the awareness stage where social media plays a key role in raising awareness of your business’s existence.

And since it’s 2020, more and more brands are starting to recognize the importance of social media and relocating their resources to the social media department where most of the recognitions for your brand begin.

5. Reinforce your brand

google brand

In traditional e-commerce, most of your brand awareness is from websites and social networks. But ever since mobile app and app stores become a thing, your brands can now also be discoverable in the app store  where you compete with millions of other big brands.

After this article, we hope that you can have a firmer grasp on your understanding of mobile app, specifically the benefits of it and how you can best fit mobile app related initiatives into your future strategies.

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